Today we will tell you the 5 main failures that make it difficult for a website to rank well organically.
Let’s suppose you are the owner of a bakery. The people in your neighbourhood love your cakes, but if you feel that as good as you are, you should sell more, so you create a website to reach more people.
As the months go by, but the website doesn’t generate visitors, the logical question would be, what’s wrong? Well, first of all:
1. Low domain authority
If it is a new website, this will happen 100% of the time. You have just launched your project to the online world, where your store so far has 0 history.
It’s like releasing a new product on Amazon; you will always start with 0 reviews, even if you are the best of the best.
You can get these “reviews,” which are equivalent to domain authority in the SEO world, by having other websites mention your site with a link. When someone external links to you, this tells Google what you offer is very good; otherwise, why would it say you?
There are several ways to get links, but always remember that the quality of these links is more important than the quantity.
Let’s suppose that you already have the domain authority issue under control; you have managed to get a local magazine to mention your website in a compilation of the best bakeries in town. You’ve even paid for a well-known bakery blog to discuss your website. Your domain authority is growing, but visits are still low. There are different ways to get links, but always remember that the quality of these links is more important than the quantity.
2. Content problems
We go back to the example of the product just released on Amazon; you have already got a few reviews, but due to lack of time, you have never spent much time on the presentation of the product you have released. You have there an image and 2 lines of description with minimal detail.
Google is a potential customer looking at what you and your competitors offer. If there is very little competition for what you sell, Google will still buy from you, even if your display is poor. But if there are dozens of brands like you, the possibility that there is someone who has put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into the presentation increases significantly. Google will go with those who provide the most information; with them, you will be one hundred percent sure that your product offers what it is looking for.

In short, always give as much information as possible about what you offer. Try to answer all possible questions your customers may have. Write user manuals. Give ideas about possible implementations of your product. Try to convince the user that he will find everything with you. But don’t be
3. like everyone else
You have to be different and capture the customer’s attention. If your competition uses the typical open source images, you post images made by you. If your competitor is content to upload 2-3 photos, you post 5 and a video explaining how your product works. If your competitor posts news on their blog monthly, you post new ideas weekly.
Why is it essential to stand out? Google pays a lot of attention to user behaviour and is interested in people being satisfied with the websites it shows them.
If your website has this spark that sets it apart from others, it will make people spend much more time browsing your pages. Google will love this, and you will become their clear favourite.

4. Not being optimized
You have a beautiful website for the user, with a lot of content, and you also work on its authority. But of course, for the user to discover you, you have to make your content easy to read for Google bots so that they can scan you, approve you and start showing you gradually to your target audience.
Therefore, it is essential to inform yourself or hire someone to review the technical aspects of your website carefully. All your pages’ descriptions are well done and have meta titles. That the images have Alt tags, that there are no non-functional internal links, that the website has a sitemap, etc.
It’s funny because with a single command, such as “no index,” you can make your website entirely ignored by Google. Even if they talk about you, NYT, WP, or whoever, you will not appear in the Google search engine because you have forbidden their bots to index you.

So SEO is not only about content and links but also about preparing the base technically well.
5. No certificates
Not for everyone, it is required, but it is highly recommended to include in your website certificates that prove your knowledge or the quality of your products, not only because you build trust for the user, but also because Google may be requiring it by law, especially if you are a business related to medicine or food for example. So, you know what to do if you have certificates or awards.